Sitemap In Alphabetical Order
On the boundary path. V.A. Repina with children going on the boundary path
Artist: Ilya Efimovich Ilya Efimovich
Orientation: Portrait
On the platform of the station. Street scene with a receding carriage
Artist: Ilya Efimovich Ilya Efimovich
Orientation: Landscape
Peasant with an evil eye. Portrait of I. F. Radov, the artist's godfather
Artist: Ilya Efimovich Ilya Efimovich
Orientation: Portrait
Ploughman. Lev Nikolayevich Tolstoy in the ploughland
Artist: Ilya Efimovich Ilya Efimovich
Orientation: Landscape
Poet-futurist (portrait of Vladimir Vladimirovich Mayakovsky)
Artist: Ilya Efimovich Ilya Efimovich
Orientation: Portrait
Poprishchin (protagonist of the novel by Nikolai Vasilievich Gogol 'Diary of a Madman')
Artist: Ilya Efimovich Ilya Efimovich
Orientation: Portrait
Portrait of a gentleman in a sheepskin kaftan
Artist: Ilya Efimovich Ilya Efimovich
Orientation: Portrait
Portrait of a military engineer, Captain A. Shevtsov, brother of the artist's wife
Artist: Ilya Efimovich Ilya Efimovich
Orientation: Portrait
Portrait of a young wife, sitting on the couch
Artist: Ilya Efimovich Ilya Efimovich
Orientation: Portrait