Sitemap In Alphabetical Order
Ksenia ja Nedrov Pietarin taideakatemian katolla keskustelemassa taiteesta
Artist: Ilya Efimovich Ilya Efimovich
Orientation: Landscape
Ksenian ja Nedrovin tapaaminen puistossa Nevan saarilla
Artist: Ilya Efimovich Ilya Efimovich
Orientation: Landscape
Lev Nikolaevich Tolstoy (1828-1910) at Work, 1891
Artist: Ilya Efimovich Ilya Efimovich
Orientation: Portrait
Lev Nikolaevich Tolstoy (1828-1910), 1888
Artist: Ilya Efimovich Ilya Efimovich
Orientation: Portrait
Lev Tolstoy (1818-1910) in his Study, 1891
Artist: Ilya Efimovich Ilya Efimovich
Orientation: Landscape
Man and woman at the table. The man pulls on the glove
Artist: Ilya Efimovich Ilya Efimovich
Orientation: Landscape
Maxim Gorky (1868-1936) Reading his Poem, 'Children of Sun', 1905
Artist: Ilya Efimovich Ilya Efimovich
Orientation: Landscape
Maxim Gorky reading in The Penates his drama Children of the Sun
Artist: Ilya Efimovich Ilya Efimovich
Orientation: Landscape
Meeting at the Mur des Federes - Pere Lachaise, 1883
Artist: Ilya Efimovich Ilya Efimovich
Orientation: Landscape
Monk Filaret Imprisoned in the Antonievo-Siyskiy Monastery
Artist: Ilya Efimovich Ilya Efimovich
Orientation: Landscape
Monochrome Sketch Of The Terrorist Attack In 1916 On King Albert I Of Belgium
Artist: Ilya Efimovich Ilya Efimovich
Orientation: Landscape
Nicholas of Myra eliminates the death of three innocent prisoners
Artist: Ilya Efimovich Ilya Efimovich
Orientation: Portrait
Nikolai Andreyevich Rimsky-Korsakov (1844-1908), from Slavonic Composers, 1890s
Artist: Ilya Efimovich Ilya Efimovich
Orientation: Portrait